I collaborated with Slapp app of beauty brand Blush London to teach the geisha lip makeup application.

Ivy Makeup Artist
This clown-like, pasty look evokes a grotesque or macabre feel. It is done with facepainting for the background with different pigments to enhance skin tone and shading, and chunky brushstroke eyeliner for the “lashes”. Hair is a fake ‘bob’ hairstyle. Video tutorial coming very soon. Still in middle of editing it.
This is a very natural, luminous, neutral, classic and elegant makeup and hair for a Korean professional violinist and pianist. She has great skin. Therefore only Bobbi Brown tinted moisturizer was used, no foundation or full coverage. We are aiming for a ‘for real’ look, so no false lashes, no hair buns or pieces for volume and …
With sadness we learnt of the death of David Bowie, whose talent changed the world of popular music, culture and fashion. This makeup is our tribute. Skin and base We blocked out the eyebrows followed by many layers or concealers and powder in order to finally have orange eyebrows. Foundation is pink mixed with white, …