1920s flapper in my own SILENT MOVIE – Heart of Glass the Novel Update

I decided to do vlogs instead of blog updates. Partly because I love watching vlogs and YouTube myself, and partly because I wanted to experiment with makeup on myself as I have been doing it for years on others. This is the first time I am turning the camera onto myself since the very early …


Hair and Makeup for Professional Musician’s Headshots

This is a very natural, luminous, neutral, classic and elegant makeup and hair for a Korean professional violinist and pianist. She has great skin. Therefore only Bobbi Brown tinted moisturizer was used, no foundation or full coverage. We are aiming for a ‘for real’ look, so no false lashes, no hair buns or pieces for volume and …


The Green Lady transformation: from kitsch painting to makeup art

Makeup Art transformation of Chinese Girl by Tretchikoff, 1950 I am proud to show you my masterpiece. As I have only been making the old, young, male and female beautiful: this is a different skill, the painterly side of makeup art. Watch the film of the transformation here: Or just view photos below of before, during and after

Bowie Aladdin Sane makeup

David Bowie tribute makeup “Aladdin Sane”

With sadness we learnt of the death of David Bowie, whose talent changed the world of popular music, culture and fashion. This makeup is our tribute. Skin and base We blocked out the eyebrows followed by many layers or concealers and powder in order to finally have orange eyebrows. Foundation is pink mixed with white, …
