Here is a quick 5 minute DIY project to tackle annoying small amounts of foundation:
1/ You need a plastic or glass pot with a wide mouth to get at all the contents, and an artist’s or chemist’s metal spatula or knife. Spray these with 97% alcohol to sterilize first. You can reuse any container from sauces or takeaways etc.
2/ Wash your hands thoroughly. Using a metal artist’s knife or spatula, dig out old foundation (liquid, cake, stick, cream or any type) one that is already difficult to get at because of the small amount, which should be about 2 tsp worth.
3/ Mix the old foundation with 5 to 15 dsp of moisturizer, depending on how much coverage or tint you like. I prefer medium coverage so I would go with 10 dsp.
4/ Add 1 dsp of 30+ sunscreen (or a good blob). TIP: In South-East Asia you should probably go for 50+. I am using 30+ as there is hardly any sun here in Northern Europe or not often enough.
5/ Mix it all together well in your plastic or glass pot and wash all the utensils.
Optional: Add a bit of gold shimmer too to enhance the appearance of your skin and create the illusion of glow and illumination.
TIP: The amount of tinted moisturizer that you mix up should be small because the sunscreen has an expiry date. Do not mix a huge tub that you just will not use up, as it will cause waste which is totally against my principles.
Wah-lah! Enjoy your “new” DIY customized and unique tinted moisturizer with sunscreen and wait for compliments about your luminous complexion.
photo credit: marcoverch Make-up Grundierung tröpfelt aus dem Fläschchen via photopin (license)